Sunday, 15 December 2013

Today I got up at 5 to go drawing. I am not as pleased with today's efforts but here they are. Hannah my tutor suggested some night drawing and hence the early morning start. However the light didn't pick up much as it is raining and grey grey grey grey. I then sat in the car with the radio on and now my battery is flat. Had to walk home in the rain. I am now deflated and am going to get on with the essay instead.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Today's work. I have been trying out a bit of colour and I am now covered in paint. Anyway here is the days work:

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

So this week I have been drawing from my imagination.....which I was very nervous about. I always worry that there maybe nothing in there, but I was surprised by my drawing of a school coming from the depths of my brain. I did take a wee bit of reference from a quick sketch of a building but the rest came from scribbling. I was amazed by how much I have been absorbing from drawing out and about. I now have to write an essay so I probably won't post any pictures for a week.